Enrollment Services Archives - Southwestern Illinois College

Dean’s List – Fall 2024

The following is a list of full- and part-time students on the Southwestern Illinois College Dean’s List for the Fall 2024 Semester.

This list includes full-time students who completed 12 or more semester credits during the semester and part-time students who completed six or more semester credits during the semester while maintaining a 3.5 or higher-grade point average.

The students’ names are listed alphabetically by last name.

Dean’s List – Fall 2024

For more information, contact SWIC Enrollment Services at 618-235-2700, ext. 5455 or 866-942-SWIC (7942), ext. 5455.

SWIC to Host Workshop for Parents of Future College Students April 20

If you are preparing to send your son or daughter to college in the near future, the Southwestern Illinois College workshop, Parent 101, can help you understand the ins and outs of the college process.

This free in-person or online workshop will be held Tuesday, April 20, from 6-7 p.m. The event is open to the parents or families of future college students in eighth through twelfth grades. Face masks and social distancing will be required.

The informational presentation will include:

– Timeline for preparing for college
– The financial aid process
– Earning college credit in high school  
– Transferring courses to four-year universities
– Cost saving benefits of education and training at the community college

To learn more and to register, visit: swic.edu/admissions-events.

For questions or more information, contact SWIC Admissions at 618-235-2700, ext. 5200.

SWIC to Host Workshop for Parents of Future College Students Oct. 6

If you are preparing to send your son or daughter to college in the near future, the Southwestern Illinois College workshop, Parent 101, can help you understand the ins and outs of the college process.

This free in-person or online workshop will be held Tuesday, Oct. 6, from 6-7 p.m. The event is open to the parents or families of future college students in eighth through twelfth grades.

The informational presentation will include:

– Timeline for preparing for college
– The financial aid process
– Earning college credit in high school  
– Transferring courses to four-year universities
– Cost saving benefits of education and training at the community college

To learn more and to register, visit: swic.edu/admissions-events.

For more information, contact the SWIC Admissions at 618-235-2700, ext. 5675, or toll free at 866-942-SWIC (7942), ext. 5675.

Complete the SWIC Steps to Enrollment during Class of 2020 Enrollment Days

If you’re graduating from high school and worried about the college enrollment process, let Southwestern Illinois College ease your mind. You can complete the SWIC steps to enrollment for the Summer or Fall 2020 Semesters during Class of 2020 Enrollment Days at the Belleville Campus, 2500 Carlyle Ave., the Red Bud Campus, 500 W. South Fourth St., or the Sam Wolf Granite City Campus, 4950 Maryville Road.

Stop by at any SWIC Campus during these days and times:
– Wednesday, May 20, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
– Thursday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Stop by the SWIC Belleville Campus only on Tuesday, May 19 from noon to 7 p.m.

During Enrollment Days you can:

  • Complete an application and get a student ID number
  • Take the SWIC Accuplacer assessment for placement in English and Math
  • Meet with an academic advisor to discuss degree requirements or transfer courses
  • Set up eSTORM and SWIC student email accounts
  • Register for classes
  • Ask general financial aid and payment arrangement questions

Students taking the Accuplacer assessment for placement in English and Math on Tuesday, May 19, must check-in by 5 p.m.

Check-in with Admissions in the Information Sciences Lobby. Please bring a photo ID!

For more information, email the SWIC Admissions Office at admissions@swic.edu or call 618-235-2700, ext. 5675.

SWIC releases fall 2019 grad list

The following is a list of Southwestern Illinois College students who graduated at the conclusion of the fall 2019 semester. The students’ names are listed alphabetically according to hometown.

The list also denotes students who graduated with honors (a 3.5 grade point average or higher) and with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

SWIC Fall 2019 Graduate List

For more information, contact SWIC Enrollment Services at 618-235-2700, ext. 5455 or 866-942-SWIC (7942), ext. 5455.

Enrollment Express is one stop for SWIC Spring 2020 enrollment/registration

You don’t need to miss work or skip appointments to sign up for spring classes at Southwestern Illinois College! Enrollment Express allows you to complete the enrollment and registration process, and much more, in one easy visit.

Enrollment Express will take place at the SWIC Belleville Campus, 2500 Carlyle Ave., the week of Jan. 6-11, 2020. Hours will be: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Spring 2020 Semester classes begin Jan. 11, 2020.

“We realize our students are busy with work, family and other commitments so we wanted to provide a convenient way for students to complete the enrollment and registration process with one visit to campus,” said Admissions Coordinator, Katie Dawson.

If you are just getting started in the enrollment process, you can:

  • Apply online to start the steps to enrollment
  • Learn about more than 150 degree and certificate options
  • Take a tour of campus
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid 
  • Ask questions about financial aid
  • Take the placement test to know where to begin

If you are already working on your steps to enrollment, you can:

  • Meet with an academic advisor to discuss course options
  • Get assistance registering for classes
  • Set up a payment plan or pay your tuition and fees
  • Find your classrooms and explore key locations on campus
  • Pick up your textbooks  
  • Activate your SWIC student email and other SWIC technology
  • Get your student ID, parking permit and Metro pass  

You can still apply, search the class schedule and register online at estorm.swic.edu anytime.

In addition, students or prospective students who have questions about the enrollment process can chat with Enrollment Services representatives via Facebook Messenger @ facebook.com/swic.edu.

For more information, call Enrollment Services at 618-235-2700, ext. 5455.

SWIC releases fall 2019 dean’s list

The following is a list of full- and part-time students on the Southwestern Illinois College Dean’s List for the Fall 2019 Semester.

This list includes full-time students who completed 12 or more semester credits during the semester and part-time students who completed six or more semester credits during the semester while maintaining a 3.5 or higher grade point average.

The students’ names are listed alphabetically according to hometown:
SWIC Fall 2019 Dean’s List

For more information, contact SWIC Enrollment Services at 618-235-2700, ext. 5455 or 866-942-SWIC (7942), ext. 5455.

Learn all that SWIC has to offer on High School Visit Day Jan. 24

If you’re a current high school student curious about Southwestern Illinois College, get all your questions answered on High School Visit Day Friday, Jan. 24, 2020 from 9 a.m. to noon at the SWIC Belleville Campus, 2500 Carlyle Ave.

Explore academic programs, tour the campus, find out about SWIC clubs, sports and campus activities, get information on financial aid and scholarship options, as well as learn the many other benefits of choosing SWIC.

See presentations about SWIC academic areas, including:

  • Liberal Arts & Fine Arts – University Transfer programs related to careers in social or behavioral science, communications, language arts, business, education, art, music, etc.
  • Math and Sciences Division – University Transfer programs related to careers in science, technology, engineering, or math.
  • Technical Education – Career training programs related to industrial technology, construction, aviation, etc.
  • Health Science & Homeland Security – Career training programs related to health care, sign language, administration of justice, or fire science.
  • Business Division – Career training programs related to management, marketing or graphic communications, accounting, computer information systems or networking, office administration, culinary arts, etc.

Reserve your spot online or call 866-942-7942, ext. 5675.

December high school grads can register for SWIC spring 2020 classes Nov. 5

If you’re a current high school senior graduating in December 2019, then get a head start on college courses by registering for spring 2020 classes at Southwestern Illinois College during December High School Grad Night, Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 3-7 p.m. at the SWIC Belleville Campus, 2500 Carlyle Ave.

Students will be able to:
– Complete an application and get a student ID number.

– Take the English and Math Placement tests.

– Meet with an academic advisor to discuss degree requirements or transfer courses.

– Register for classes.

– Set up SWIC student email and eSTORM accounts.

– Ask general financial aid and payment arrangement questions.

A photo ID is required. Event check-in begins at 2:45 p.m. in the Information Sciences Building Lobby. Students taking the placement tests must check-in before 6 p.m.

To register for the event visit: swic.secure.force.com/events/#/list. For more information contact admissions at 618-235-2700, ext. 5675.

Register Red Bud weekly events make it easy to enroll for degree program

Sign up now at Register Red Bud to complete an associate degree in two years by taking classes just two days per week at the Southwestern Illinois College Red Bud Campus, 500 W. South Fourth St.

Stop by RBC Tuesdays Oct. 29 or Wednesday Nov. 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to enroll.

“Register Red Bud makes it easier for students to sign up for the Associate in Arts degree,” said Director of High School Partnerships and Recruitment Kelly Bione. “In this degree program, required courses are grouped together two days per week to help students with busy personal and work schedules.”

During Register Red Bud, students can:

  • Complete an application and get a student ID number.
  • Take the SWIC Placement Test for English and Math.
  • Meet with an academic advisor to discuss Red Bud class scheduling.
  • Set up and eSTORM and student email account.
  • Register for classes.
  • Ask financial aid and payment arrangement questions.

Check-in at the Student Development Office, Room 175. Please bring a photo ID. Students taking the SWIC Placement Test must check in by 11 a.m.

For questions, contact admissions@swic.edu or 618-235-2700, ext. 5675.