ESL-HEC: LPN Curriculum - Southwestern Illinois College

Course Sequence

This is a 37-credit-hour, accredited certificate program that can be completed in one year.

The curriculum includes practical nursing courses and assigned clinical experiences.

Course Information

Clinical Education Experiences

Clinical experiences may be scheduled during the day, evening and/or weekends at hospitals/clinics located throughout Southern Illinois and in the St. Louis region. Students may be required to travel outside the college district for clinical experience courses. Specific clinical placement cannot be guaranteed, and specific clinical schedules may be changed during courses.

Students should check location and schedule of classes to ensure availability and access. Students are responsible for their own transportation and attendance at any of the classes and clinicals assigned by the program.


Practical Nursing Certificate (025C) Curriculum

First Year

Spring Semester

Total Credits: 15
Course Number Course Description Credits
PN 100 Fundamentals of Nursing I 2
PN 101 Foundations of Nursing II 6
PN 140 Human Body Structure and Function 4
PN 142 Pharmacology 3

Summer Semester

Total Credits: 5
Course Number Course Description Credits
PN 120 Nutrition in Nursing 2
PN 152 Mental Health Nursing 3

Fall Semester

Total Credits: 17
Total Program Credits:
Course Number Course Description Credits
PN 154 Obstetric and Newborn Nursing 3.5
PN 155 Pediatrics in Practical Nursing 2.5
PN 160 Medical Surgical Nursing I 5.5
PN 162 Medical Surgical Nursing II 5.5

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