Important Information Before Dropping a Course - Southwestern Illinois College

SWIC Belleville Campus Main Building


    Before dropping a class, please explore the following options
    to ensure your decision does not impact your educational plan.

    Have you contacted your Instructor?

    Request current grade and discuss opportunities to improve your grade.
    If facing a sudden hardship, request extended time and/or Incomplete.
    Schedule a meeting during office hours to discuss options and/or obtain academic help from your instructor.

    Have you consulted an advisor?

    An advisor can recommend courses that follow your educational plan.
    An advisor can share late start options for a different class to ensure a full schedule and to ensure your educational goals are not interrupted.
    An advisor can provide degree, career, and certificate options that are attainable and follow your educational plan.

    Have you accessed the Success Center or SCOTY?

    Struggling with the course? The Success Centers provide free walk-in and online tutoring through Success Center Online Tutoring for You (SCOTY).
    Want help with a writing assignment? The Success Center helps students with any phase of the writing process both in person and through the Online Writing Lab (OWL).
    If experience difficulty with Blackboard or any academic software, the Success Center can assist.
    Visit the Success Center webpage at for tutoring schedules, directions on accessing SCOTY or the OWL and other academic resources.

    If this course was not a good fit for you, have you identified late start classes or scheduling options?

    Sometimes, a student enrolls in a class that is not a good fit for success.  SWIC offers late start courses, 4-week, 6-week, and 8-week courses to accommodate student schedules.  

    Are you following deadlines to receive a refund?

    Have you checked the calendar?

    Check drop dates and rates
    Check when grades are due
    Check when the semester is over. Sometimes you have more time then you think to turn your grades around!

    Will your financial aid be impacted?

    FA eligibility varies: Please contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how dropping a class will impact your current and future awards.

    Are you having technology difficulties?

    Students can request a laptop through the laptop loan program by contacting the Library.
    Students can request a Kajeet that will provide wifi access.
    Students can contact the Technology Assistance Center to discuss options available.

    Are you having transportation difficulties?

    Students can contact Public Safety to inquire about receiving a Metro Pass.
    Disabled? Inquire with the Disability and Access center about other transportation options that might be available to you.

    Are you facing financial difficulties?

    Contact the Financial Aid Office to inquire about financial aid opportunities.
    Some students are eligible for tuition credit through the WOIA program (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act).  Contact: 618-235-2700, ext. 5466.
    The SWIC Foundation also offers scholarships for students needing financial assistance. 

    Are you a student worker?

    Will you have the required amount of credits to continue to work?  Check your financial aid eligible credit hours.
    Have you checked the Student Worker online handbook?
    in eSTORMStudent
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