Class of 2022
Thursday, May 19 • 6 p.m.

Ceremony Images

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Southwestern Illinois College Board of Trustees
Chair Nick Raftopoulos, Granite City; Vice Chair Steve Campo, Belleville; John S. Blomenkamp, Freeburg; Charles Hannon, Swansea; Robert G. Morton, O’Fallon; Richard E. Roehrkasse, Red Bud; Sara Soehlke, Collinsville
SWIC President
Nick J. Mance
Southwestern Illinois College BOARD APPOINTEES
Beverly Fiss, Garrett Hoerner, Missy Roche
Thursday, May 19, 2022 • 4 p.m. Seating Begins • 6 p.m. Ceremony
“Pomp and Circumstance,” music by Edward Elgar (recorded)
Platform guests enter gymnasium.
“The Star-Spangled Banner,”
lyrics by Francis Scott Key, music by John Stafford Smith (recorded)
Performed by graduating student Kaitlyn Jeehea Chung, Associate in Arts
Rev. Kenneth W. Wheeler, Retired Lutheran Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
and member of the Truelight Baptist Church of East St. Louis
SWIC President Nick J. Mance
Nathan William Lanter, Associate in Applied Science
SWIC Chief Academic Officer Gina Segobiano
SWIC President Nick J. Mance
Candidates for Associate in Arts Degree
Candidates for Associate in Fine Arts Degree
Candidates for Associate in Science Degree
Candidates for Associate in Engineering Science Degree
Candidates for Associate in General Studies Degree
Candidates for Associate in Applied Science Degree
Presentations will be made by President Nick J. Mance, assisted by
Interim Chief Student Services Officer Danielle Chambers,
Chief Academic Officer Gina Segobiano, Ph.D.,
and Dean of Technical Education Bradley Sparks.
Rev. Kenneth W. Wheeler, Retired Lutheran Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
and member of the Truelight Baptist Church of East St. Louis
“Trumpet Voluntary,” music by Henry Purcell (recorded)
Interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing is provided by SWIC Sign Language Studies program Adjunct Faculty Member Becki Rhyne and SWIC Sign Language Studies program alum Xane Briggs.
2022 Graduate Speaker
Nathan William Lanter
Nathan William Lanter of Belleville will receive his Associate in Applied Science Degree in Construction Management Technology this evening. He is already putting his education to good use as a foreman with L&D Wilson Roofing and Siding of O’Fallon.
Mr. Lanter plans to attend the Electrical Lineworker Training Program at Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington, North Carolina, and transfer to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration.
His dream job is to someday be the CEO of an electrical company and start his own electrical lineworker training school. Mr. Lanter is a Mascoutah High School graduate and the owner of Lanter Lawn Care. He is the son of Scott and Jannell Lanter of Belleville.
Photography Policy
Please remain seated during the ceremony, except when you are receiving your diploma scroll.
Leaving your seat may interfere with the ceremony.
A professional photographer from GradImages will take photos during the Commencement.
To order copies of these photos, visit or call 800-261-2576.
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Don’t forget to submit your custom announcement using the Graduation Submission form.
Your custom announcements will be linked to your name below.

= Honors

= Perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average
Associate in Arts
Associate in Arts
- Avery Shay Adams
Macy Katherine Adams Adewumi Oluwatimilehin Adewole- Olivia Lauren Aitken
- Beverly Ajike-Modupe Ajao
Heather Albers- Airrianna Michelle Alexander
- Robert Alexander
Olivia Loren Alvarez Vicky Aquino Eduardo Angel Aracil-Rodriguez Anita M Arnold Nathaniel Joseph Arnold- Olivia Maureen Arnold
- Jermesha Avan
- Amya Michelle Ayers
- Ryanna Rachelle Bailey
- Claudia Jeronae Bairfield-Bailey
- Chloe Alayna Baron
Bryan Westly Barrows- Colin X Batchelor
- Ian Michael Baumann
- Kourtney Marie Bayer
- Caitlin Bearden
- Jade Olivia Beavers
- Stephen Lee Beck
- Kyle Dennis Becker
- Seth L Becker
Jennifer Leigh Behrman- Tori Reanne Beimfohr
- Jared Belk
- Margaret Aida Berkley
Allison Rose Berowski Kaleigh Abigail Bien- Jeffery James Biermann Jr
Gabrielle Faustina Bievenue- Joseph Donald Bingheim
- Brook Ann Blaylock
- Samuel Allen Bledsoe
- Mikayla L Block
- Collin James Bluethmann
- Nicholas William Borror
- Timothy James Bowen
Hannah L Boynton- Sydni Nicole Bozada
- Tyler Lane Brooks
- Andrew Haas Brookshier
- Alexander James Brown
- Alyssa Paige Brown
- Bianca Marie Brown
- Cole Thomas Brown
Trinity Zion Brown- Jason Ryan Brownlee
Olivia Marie Brumley- Seth Patrick Brusewitz
Alexander Leo Buchanan- Taylor Marie Buchanan
- Trey Michael Burkhalter
Brandon James Burkhart- Tiffany Kyoko Burroughs
- Jordyn D Bushway
- Nathaniel Quinn Curry Campbell
- Jada Symone Canady
Stephen M Capriel- LaToya Shanae Carraway
Stephanie Carroll Marissa Carter- Luis Roberto Carvalho Mendonca
Scarlett Catherine Catanzaro- Ricky Neil Cathers Jr
- Brody David Causey
- John Benedict Realeza Cayamanda
- Geoffrey Chandler
Kaitlyn Jeehea Chung Ethan Robert Clarke Maria Cintya Claybrook- Jedidiah George Coats
- Kellece Dawnyel Coleman
- Cameron Michael Collier
- Kristen N Collins
Camryn Kristin Collins-Vaughn- Jennifer A Conklin
- Reid Oliver Conner
- Tyler Joseph Connolly
- Brendan Wayne Cook
- Jade Erynn Cook
Eamon K Corniel- Chasity Cosby
- Alyssa Ann Cowell
- Lucas Ryan Cox
Hanna Elizabeth Crask Molly Elizabeth Cravens- Vanessa Lynn Crickmore
- Emily Elizabeth Crossley
Ben Richard Crowner Alyssa M Curran- Shauntay L Curtis
- Autumn Richelle Cushman
- Jordyn Elizabeth Cygan
Madison Delaine Damann Hannah Lee Davis- Luke Henderson Davis
- Nijaha M Davis
- Darian Aidan Dean
- James Allen Deangelo
- Cheyenne Mckenzie Decker
- Josh H Del Rosario
- Aurora Michael Denap
Brianna Reese Denny- Dennis James Dill
- Seth A Dillard
- Frederick Anthony Donini
- Amari Sanae Douglas
- Ariel Douglas
- Nathan W L Driemeier
- Mark E Duty
- Dakotah A Easley
- Yasmin Ashawnte Elligan
Ethan Robert Johnston Ellis Liam Joseph Ellner- Ariel L Ells
- Maggie Elizabeth Evans
- Alison Mallory Evola
- Paul Virgil Falbe
- Andrew Farroll
- Carrie Lynn Ferguson
- Clare V K Ferguson
- Anissa Rose Ferrer
Emily Ann Ford- Caitlin Foster
Isabelle Lynn Frailey Laura Nichole Fraker- Aisha M Franks
- Nicholas French
Katie Anne Furby- Armando Daniel Gabriel
- Audrey Jean Gammon
- Brooklynn Ashleigh Garner
- Nikkiayana Naomi Gatewood
- Morgan Gale Gauch
- Landon U Gaxiola
Josie Grace Germain- Mya Mikala Gill
Ryan A Gillam- Sydney Angelina Gillum
Stephanie Lynn Good- Tristan J Goodwin
Abigail J Gray- Michael Douglas Gregory
Riley Catherine Grissom- Owen Cole Gross
- Bradley L Gruberman
Regina Rose Gruenewald- Madelyn Rose Grzywacz
Hope Elizabeth Guebert- Cynthia Gutierrez
- Tylisa N Gutierrez
- Peyton Lynn Haas
Lauren Haffer- Seth Edward Hagelstein
Katherine Ann Haigood- Jaden Lashaun Hale
Madison Rae Hall- Ariana Hambright
Megan Nicole Hanks- Alandis Harris
- Faith Harris
- Malehka Antwannette Harris
- Lacey B Hartman
Brayden Cole Hartmann Calyn M Hartmann- Alicia Harvey
Corryn Elle Hasenstab- Amy E Hatch
- Halle Marie Haudrich
- Jordan Michelle Haudrich
- Samantha Nicole Hawkes
Taja Ariel Hawkins Brent Andrew Heinlein- James Michael Heise
Isabella Rae Hensler- Tyler Henson
Lydia Kathryn Herbert- Chloe Madison Hess
Jessica Grace Higbee- Kylee Dawn Highley
- Victoria Sofia Him
- Kristina J Hinkle
- Abigail Rose Hippard
- Michaela Lee Hixson
- Raymond Michael Hoffman
- Nathan James Hokanson
- Brittani Leann Holcomb
Bailey Autumn Hollingshead- Pierceson Channing Holmes
- Baylee Nicole Huebner
Anabella Marie Huffhines- Jayla Brianna Hughes
- Julie Hughes
- Elizabeth Jean Hunt
- Jacob Williams Hurst
- Hailey Elizabeth Ivy
- Clint M Jackson
Harvey C Jackson- Zuri A James
- Ambria Payne Jenkins
- Alexander M Jewell
- Juliet Rose Johnson
Kristian Alexandra Johnson- Micaela R Johnson
Sarah Woodard Johnson- Walter James Johnson Jr
- Alexis Nicole Johnston
- Biancia S Jones
- Bryan Michael Jones
Kyle L Jones Livia Grace Jones- Anna Christine Joseph-Sims
- Tayler Alexis Jung
- Michael P Justis
Spencer Levi Kane- Sebastian Alexander Keck
- Tyson Ross Keene Sr
- Nicholas Alan Keeney
- Jessica Kay Keller
- Corey Alexis Kilgallon
- Brianna J Kimbro
- Haley Kalyn Kimes
- Nicole Marie Kineke
- Bria Armani King
Giovanna Michelle Kirby- Kylee Laycole Kling
Emily Ray Knop-Duvall- Joshua Patrick Koch
- Pieter Andre Kok
- Danielle Marie Kortkamp
- Adam J Kramer
- Alison Dawn Krebel
- Katelyn M Kruse
Emily J Kuehnel Ryan James Kukarola Meera Milan Kypta- Brice Xavier Labaume
- Matthew J Lafrance
- Cory A Lake
- Marcella Lamb
- Adria Lang
Ashley Mari Layman- Olivia Margaret Lebert
Rebecca Lynn Ledee- Briana Kaylynn Leesmann
- Melaniche Leflore
- Riley Lengermann
Nathaniel Josiah Lenhardt- Samantha J Lenox
Taiya Rae Lewis- Lamarius Von Lillard
Madison O’Neil Limestall- Rachel Marie Lindley
- Claire Christine Loemker
Emily Treece Loesing- Justin Phillip London
- Denise A Loness
- Mila Dolores Palermo Long
- Andrew Lonsdale
- Armando Lopez
- Adrean Lamar Love
- Niveah Alexandria Lowery
Kayla R Lynn- Taylor Lynn Macke
- Brian Magee
Peyton Marie Manker Rylie Grace Manker- Adrean Denise Marshall
- Lauryn K Martel
- Hailee Alene Martin
Mikayla D Massie- Peyton Alexander Massie
- Tahlia Ann Masters
- Ian D Maue
- Valencia Nicole Mayberry
- Dean Phillip Mayhall
John Thomas McCabe- Edward McCalip
- Shonndrea Gracie McClendon
- Josey Mae McClure
- Calahan William McCollum
- Ashley C McCoy
- Alexander Ian McGee
- Julia Morgan McGinnis
- Jordan Raye McLean
Isaiah Jacob McNeese- Joshua Adam McClain
- Benita Mcgee
- Madyson Mae Medvick
- Morgan Joann Meise
- Swan David Melton
Austin Lee Menard- Austin Merryman
Nathaniel Joseph Metz- Megan Elizabeth Meyer
- Melanie M Meyer
Alexis Marie Miller- Gina Miller
Jessicka Jami Miller- Laney Elizabeth Miller
- Kailyn Renee Moeller
Alessa L Montroy- Cordajia LL Moore
- Lesley M Moore
- Tessa Louise Moorehead
- Larissa Janine Morgan
Irina Mosley Brylee Scott Mueller- Samantha Kathleen Mueller
- Semsa Mujic
Aidan Paul Mundloch- Ian William Murphy
- Kurtis Brian Murphy
Melissa Renee Murphy Chelsea Anne Nehls Julia Marie Niepert- Mackenzie Brooke Nigh
- Mitchell Jack Nolan
- Anthony Joseph Numi
- Remy Allan Nussbaum
- Annamarie Nicole Ogan
Minseok Oh Ruben Ortiz Jr- Jerry Lee Ottinger III
- Jacob Alan Overbeck
Marisa Geraldina Padilla- Joshua Will Patterson
- William Andrew Peck Jr
- Jessica Lynn Perkins
- Selena Salud Perkins
Hannah Pixley Alyssa Renae Place- Nicole Porter
- Reagan Leigh Posey
- Alyssa May Powers
- Hannibal Easton Ellis Powers
Jennifer Lynn Powers- Conor Price
William Louis Proffer Anna Rose Prost- John David Pusa
- Joseph Bruce Range
- Mark Rausch
- Raven Sierra Rawls
- Spreed Hunter Ray
- Nevaeh-Marie Song Redmond
- Lukas Andrew Reuther
- Kaleb Reveal
Autumn Raine Riggs- Evan Rist
- Destiny Sierra Roberson
- Savanna Robertson
- Jordan Allen Roe
Rocio Romo- Hanna R Rose
- Zachary Michael Rose
- Kelly Anne Rowden
- Chase W Rubemeyer
- Cameron J Rubenacker
- Marisa Ann Rusteberg
Logan Safranek- Samuel J Salinas
Josie R Sanchez- William Edward Sander
- Erika Judith Santana
- Rebecca Ann Schaefer
- Emilee E Schantz
Kendall Rose Schieppe Halle Renee Schlemmer Miriam Abimelec Schlessinger- Emma Lou Schmidlkofer
- Joshua Schmidt
- Robert Schnarr III
- Jarad Alexander Schomaker
- Christopher Thomas Schreckenberg
- Kyle Mathew Schreckenberg
Eric T Schreder- Brenna Elizabeth Schroeder
Allyson Lee Schroer- Allison R Schulte
- Ellie Gulietta Schur
- Eleanore Marilyn Bodnam Schwering
- Jamie Renee Scoggins
Kaylee Renee Scott- Andrew David Sebol
- Gavin Lee Self
Andrea Sarai Serna Logan Hunter Shelby- Jailyn Renae Shumpert
- Pamela Kay Siar
- Robert Dallas Sigman
- Andre Isaiah Simmons
- Jacob Brook Simpson
- Marshay Sims
- Jaden Lamar Singleton
- Julia Josephine Garcia Skrabacz
Sarah Ann Smiley- Alexander Roberts Smith
Gabrielle Elizabeth Smith- Tamondja V Smith
- Theron Louis Smith
- Kate Elizabeth Sorg
Travis Michael Speer Katelyn Elizabeth Spencer- Krystle Ann Spier
D’Miyah Ceann Spiller- Derek Dean Stafford
- Isabella Staley
Emily Ann Stein- Kasey Amber Stewart
- Kendrick Stewart
- Brock Stinson
- Jana Nicole Stock
- Elyse Marie Streif
- Jason Pierre Stringer
- Emilee Rose Sullivan
- Erin Kathleen Sullivan
Brianna E Surman Ethan Thomas Tarantella- Mackenzie Aileen Taulbee
- Carley June Taylor
- Jack Elliott Temmer
Alexandria P Terveer- Cole Thamke
- Albert George Thomas
- Rickie Thomas Jr
- Tyler M Thomas
Anthony Thompson Bryse Alexander T Thompson- Alison Rose Thomson
- Brianna Marie Thomson
Emma Noelle Tiedemann- Madison Pearl Tillman
Tyler Martin Timmermeyer- Katherine Toftemark
- Mackenzie Lynn Torres
- Mitchell Rudy Travous
Alyssa Tucker- Claire Elizabeth Turner
- Harrison George Tuttle
- Grayson Isaac Udombon
- Sydney Reese Valerius
- Logan Marshall Van Britson
Sophia Anne Vanlith John Lee Verhaar Maria Vinson Katelyn Nicole Wadlow Grant Joseph Walls- Lauren Michelle Walls
- Jordyn Rebecca Walz
- Nicole Marie Warnecke
- Logan Mathew Warren
- Mallory A Watkins
- Antione Charnell Watson Jr
Myra Grace Watson- Lauren J Weber
- Blake Russel Wellen
Brittani Sue Wellen- Alyssa Gabrielle Wells
- Justin D Wenger
- Logan Wensley
- Arajah Lezaria White
- Kyle Lee Whittaker
Taylor Marie Whitten- Tamara Whittington
- Jay Greyson Lee Widdows
Emily Katherine Wilkerson Abigail Elizabeth Willgohs- Brylan Roshon Williams
Kaitlyn M Williams- Tatum Louise Williams
- Benniko D Willis
- Tyler Craig Winkles
- John Patrick Wolf
- Samantha Dee Woods
- Crystal Ann Jessica Works
- Hannah Leigh Wright
Lydia C Wright Makenzie Leigh Wright- Justin Wrigley
- Morgan Marie Wyrostek
Chieh Yu Yang- Haley Nicole Yarber
- Candace Lorane Tanyale Yates
- Paris Noelle York
Andrea Leigh Young- Desmond Aaron Young
- Elizabeth Michelle Young
- Jack Ryan Ysursa
- Jeremiah Dominic Zackery
- Valeria Maria Zamores
- Alicia Gabrielle Zick
- Allison Bailee Zilafro
- Eric R Zittel
Alyse Zokal
Associate in Fine Arts
- Anita M Arnold
Laurie Boros- Nolan Hamilton
Rachel Iiams- Desteny Joyce James
- Quincy Earl McClellan
- Kimberly Ann Melton
- Nathaniel Perry
Andrea Sarai Serna- Mariah P Surdyk
Myra Grace Watson
Associate in Science
Associate in Science
- Adewumi Oluwatimilehin Adewole
- Nicole Renee Allen
Nathaniel Joseph Arnold- Olivia Maureen Arnold
- Kodjo Espoir Avossan
- Rebecca Elizabeth Barnes
Grace Elizabeth Bauchman- Jade Olivia Beavers
Jennifer Leigh Behrman- Christopher Joseph Berg
Ashley Paige Biehl- Joseph Donald Bingheim
- Collin James Bluethmann
Lucas Cameron Boldenow- Jordan Anthony Brisley
- Christian Michael Bryant
Liana Janet Li Liang Burkhart Logan Butler- Hanna Elizabeth Calvert
- George G R Capela
Marissa Carter- Jasmine Elizabeth Cathorall
- Magaly Chavez
- Hailey Renee Chouinard
Elizabeth Anne Cochrum Atlantis Haze Collins Cortney Conners- Brendan Wayne Cook
- Elizabeth Ann Coplin
- Kelsey Lee Cowan
- Alyssa Ann Cowell
- Taylor Ashley Davis
Addison Jane Denton- Brenna Mackenzie Dougan
- Nathan W L Driemeier
- Tyler Elliott Dunlap
- Ariel L Ells
Rylie Aurelia Ewers- Omar Farag
- Rashaun Jalante Farmer
- Joseph D Fehr
Sydney Leigh Ferguson Sophie Rebecca Foster- Daniel Thomas Frisbee
Evan Alexander Gass- Amber Germuga
Ashtyn Sue Griesemer- Bradley L Gruberman
- Gracie Michelle Guinn
- Seth Edward Hagelstein
- David Alexander Hagood
Rosemary Grace Hardy Brayden Cole Hartmann Calyn M Hartmann- Sophia Johanna Hasler
- Zachary A Hastings
Taja Ariel Hawkins Kerra Brianne Hayes- Lauren Rene’ Heckert
- Jacob Roy Holland
Nicholas William Hoock Lisa Marie Hudspeth- Ammara Fazil Imdad
- Tucker Daniel Iorio
- Thomas Andrew Jansen
- Audrey Marie Johnson
- Alexis Nicole Johnston
- Mydeja Monae Johnston
Emma Katherine Jokisch Carter Jones- Terrell T Jordan
- Noah Joseph Jost
Spencer Levi Kane Alec Joseph Ketterer- Joseph Camden Kossina
Megan Kulage- Megan Elizabeth Lalich
Braedan Matthias Lay Ashley Mari Layman- Noah R Lemmon
- Anthony Joseph Lombardo
- Jonathan C Long
Mikayla D Massie- Teaghan Rose McAllister
John Thomas McCabe- Garret Steven McEvilly
Connor M McGibney Reece Adam Mercer- Amanda Nicole Miller
- Laney Elizabeth Miller
- Chester Moore
- Elisabeth Rose Mudd
- Mona Fedai Nijmeh
- Joseph Dale Nobles
- Mitchell Jack Nolan
- Arianna Catalina Ordonez
- Terena J I Owens
Samantha Kate Parker- Isaiah David Pearman
- Robert Pees
- Jessica Lynn Perkins
Lauren Hanh Phan- Grace Anne Phillips
Neil Jordan Podoba Maecynn Lenelle Poston Konner Richard Rachell- Wyatt Anthony Rainbolt
Julia A Ralston- Molly Jane Reeves
Rylee Danielle Renspurger- Savanna Robertson
- Timothy Rogers
- David Rollberg
- Kelly Anne Rowden
- Alyssa Nichole Ruger
Noleka Morgan Sandlin- Shawn Michard Saunders II
Halle Renee Schlemmer Allyson Lee Schroer Kylie Michele Schubel Hannah Kay Scott Rebecca Ann Shofner- Jacob Brook Simpson
- Keaton Daniel Slominsky
Arianna Virginia Elizabe Stanforth- Elyse Marie Streif
Bryce Alexander Tate- Madison Pearl Tillman
- Katherine Toftemark
- Mitchell Rudy Travous
- Ryan Patrick Trout
- Griffin Christ Underwood
- Daniel Tom Vincent Jr
Brendan Robert Wallace- Drew J Weil
- Anthony Williams Jr
- Benniko D Willis
- John Patrick Wolf
- Trevor Lee Wright
- Chen Yu Yang
Associate Engineering Science
Associate in Engineering Science
- Walter J Gillespie III
- Mario Jerome Gualdoni
Benjamin Michael Gula- Sophia Johanna Hasler
- Marissa Elizabeth Henry
Maxwell Rheis Matheny Brendan Robert Wallace Joshua T Whittom Makenzie Leigh Wright
Associate in Applied Science
- Emilee Lyn Alfaro
Wilma Bright Caralissa S Ho- Melanie Theresa Millsap
Amy Elizabeth Morgan- Scott Thomas Reeves
Danielle M Waller Andrew L White III
Administration of Justice
- Ibrahim Amad Bedwan
- Tory J Bridgeforth
Austin R Crimm- Katherine E Davis
Alyssa R Dolan Jessica L Flores- Dylan Christopher Garner
- Matthew W Gilreath
Jacob Russell Girtman- Hiroya Victor Jordan
- Alec Kustermann
Jonathan J Lee- Zachary Arthur Leone
- Tangela Angelique Mcneely
- Reynaldo Narag Mendiola
- Olivia Noethen
- Nicole Norman
- Lucas William Origliosso
- Chad A Pilcic
- Caterina Lorenza Ritchey
- A’Llurah Elise Shonte Robinson-Bowens
Matthew Jacob Snider- Thomas Stamos
- Ariana Ashly Trout
Mary L Vaughn Steven Michael Vaughn Jr- Malik Jamal Williams
Aviation Maintenance Technology
- Robert L Bethea
- Charles Gage Dean
Nathan Scott Forsyth- Samuel Freund
- Andrew D Grull
- Zachary Dawson Jung
- Austin Michael Lauck
- Jeffrey L Lung
Samuel Anthony Mincy- Camden Douglas Reeves
Cianan Rebb Sabo- Courtney Sky Terrell
Michael Toth- Tyler John Van Toll
- Marcus Allen Watson
Aviation Management
- Brenden Ray Allen
- Zachary Grellner
John A Helms Tamyra Kern Ryan Kelly Komm- Cameron Meeks-Stratton
Erik Stephen Vacarelli
Aviation Pilot Training Airplane/Helicopter
- Chase William Byrnes
William Joseph Miller Rebecca Rose Sewell
Baking and Pastry
- James Arthur Felt
- Victoria Crescencia Figueroa
Dawn Cathleen Hunt Chira B Love- Susie Roberson
CIS Software Development
Hunter Joseph Bossetto- Logan Matthew Butler
- Oni Doshi Durant
Kutter Houston Emery- Tyrone E Garner
Efoe Komlan Gnassia- Joshua Charles Meyer
- Jonathan Patrick Santos
- Jacob Andrew Williams
CIS Tech Support/Help Desk
- Danielle N Boccaleoni
- Alex Flynn
Francesca Owen Woods
Computer Aided Design
- Manuela A Barrera
- Mckenzie Ann Goddard
Alissa Anne Haley Emilie Mae Hoepker
Computer Information Systems
Evan D Caldwell- Drake Orion Foote
- Darrion Clayton Johnson
- Christopher A Long
Construction Management Technology
Ty M Bick Kenneth A Canute- Kajel Richard Heine
- Donnell Jordan III
- Sean Patrick Kolb
Nathan William Lanter Travis Alan Newman- Jacob Scott Vallandingham
Culinary Arts and Food Management
- Chris David Ahlfield
- James Arthur Felt
- Victoria Crescencia Figueroa
- Asia Flood
- Noah Jacob Geis
- Joshua Steven Hamilton
Chira B Love- Skyla N Pawnell
- Susie Roberson
- Hannah Elizabeth Shultz
Nathan Thunehorst
Cybersecurity and Networking
- Sophia A Daway
Hunter Cole Ford Roy Louis Frazier- James Patrick Frew
- David Alexander Hagood
- Jermaine M Howell
- Jeffery R Jardee
Colin Thomas Knipp Amanda Rashea Lewis- James D Myint Jr
Kaylee Gabrielle Patterson- Andrew Wescott Pellman
- Thomas Lawrence Shelby
- Mallory J Smith
Manny Manuel Vendrell Darren M Walker- Mylan Ward
- Amelia Kieren Wright
Database Development & Management
Efoe Komlan Gnassia
Early Childhood Education
Heidi M Angermeier Frances Marie Cordevant- Elaina Maria Davis
Elise Marguerite Duquette- Katya J Evans
- Sarah M Garriott
- Rachel Lea Groppe
- Shae N Hanger
- Jamie C Harris
- Michelle M Kassing
- Hailey Kristine Ogilvie
- Amanda Rose Prather
- Ariyah Quilling
Sarah Grace Rennison- Allison A Scott
Ann P Weber- Trenaz Wilson
- Haylee Ann Winn
- Amanda Lee Young
Electronics Technology
Derek Oliver Cook- Kyle James Corley
Jonathan Enriquez Regina Rose Gruenewald- Matthew J Roeck
Shon Thomas Scarberry- Fire Science
- Daniel G Doyle
Graphic Communications
Emily Hope Filkins- Ethan Van Gardiner
Tabitha Louise Gray Anthony Scott Hendrickson- Faith Elizabeth Houberg
- Donisha Marie Isom
- Colleen A McGuire
Taylor Jordan McVicar Devin Cade Richardson Rachael M Schneider- Macey Short
Emily Marie Sorenson Teresa May Thompson- Alison Rose Thomson
- Isaac Daniel Williams
Health Information Technology
- Annette P Draves
- Kimi Su Hirth
Charlotte Jyawook- Kellie Jean Louveau
- Shelly R Lyons
- Mollie A Mileur
- Amanda Marie Schutzenhofer
- Raven Cheyanne Snowman
Heating, Ventilation, A/C, and Refrigeration
Samuel Thomas Armstrong- Josh Allen Burrow
- Spencer Harold Day
Jon Thomas Heise- Alexander M Jewell
- Michael L Lovett Jr
Andres Ortiz- Gerald E Pacheco
- Rondell Jamond Reed
Jacob Douglas Rommerskirchen- Langston Henry Rose Jr
James E Tormasi- Jason L Williams
- Anna Marie Blankenship
- Alexander Brown
Rizz Mae Eickelman- Ian McCarty
- Lydia Sue Mehring
Christina A Meyer- Justin Anthony Meyers
Matthew David Prouhet- Jadelyn Rosetta Reiter
Christopher L Swick
Human Services Technology
- Diana L Burke
- Katherine Dengler
- Dirk Alan Denning
- Deneen Alexandria Holmes
- Ebony Danielle James
- Caitlyn A Jordan
Latoria Martin
Industrial Electricity
- Tyler Michael Albrecht
- Chad W Basden
Blake Hunter Bruckner- Collin Andrew Carey
- Holly Marie Carter
- Eamonn Robert V V Dixon
- Chase Steven Headen
- David Patrick Lewis
- Jordan Michael Montgomery-Clay
- Chance Nuernberger
Drake Elijah Pohlman Jeffrey Duston Witt Nicholas Christopher Zimmer
Industrial Maintenance Mechanics
Nathan Allen Cairns Benjamin Paul Fessler- Jose G Pacheco
- Alexis Kathleen Barendregt
- Ashley Nicole Jatin Brooks
- Charles K Brown
- Ramahja Kayln Evans
- Destiny Ann Gibson
- Anthony T Jones
Kenneth Michael Kelly- Kartasha Je’chelle Leonard
Claire Olivia Munie Jason Daniel Stanton- Anthony Lee Wadlow Jr
- Angela R A Williams
Jeremy Phillip H Barnes
Medical Assistant
Amanda Adams- Ashley Nicole Arnold
- Chelsea N Bergmann
Rebecca J Dell Abigail Lynn Hart Jennifer Estelle Owens- Amanda Rene Robertson
Heather Zokal
Medical Billing and Coding
- Annette P Draves
- Kimi Su Hirth
- Rheonna L Yancey
Medical Laboratory Technology
- Wendy R Abshire
Raghad Jamal Baradi- Mara Cheyenne Dalman
- Sierra Nicole Danley
- Robin S Garcia
Stevie Marie Gilbert- Hannah Nicole Harris
- Nicole Monique Hopkins
Zachary Alan Lay- Adryanna Mychelle Mota
- Trish Ann Pruett
- Mindy K Sauerhage
Jennifer Holly Webster
Music Technology
- Alayna Ann Wells
Nursing Education
- Keri M Aaron
- Lauren R Becker
- Sierra Dawn Behiter
- Brianna Nicole Benardin
- Rylee Elizabeth Berg
- Terri L Blackman
- Ariel Blair
- Jenne Marie Boose
- Courtney Ann Branon
- Kourtnee Bullard
- Zachary S Byrd
- Brianna Kay Casey
- Elaina Marie Cooksey
- Brianna Day
- Sadie Lynn Dillard
- Ashley Doss
- Danielle J Dozier
- Cayla Rickie Duft
- Bonnie Renae Egbert
- Aimee Lyn Foehrkolb
- Leilani Leigh Gaspar Flynn
- Crystal Ann Glaus
- Samantha Marie Goodwin
- Madison Constance Gotto
- Logan D Greene
- Kristen Lezlie Guion
- Alexis Louise Guy
- Rebekah S Hersman
- Jessica L Isom
Ashtyn Kay Jany- Brandy M Johnson
- Rebecca Anne Johnson
- Anna Maria Kehrer
- Cameron E Klein
- Kaitlyn Michelle Koch
- Taylor Jacquelyn Lanter-Douglas
- Brandee Jo Ledford
- Caris Gabrielle Lidisky
- Mckenzie Allyson Lindow
Halley Lynn Loucks- Haley Carolyn Mabray
- Annalisa Marie Mally
- Cheri Lyn Mayfield
- Robyn Ellen McGinnis
- Chelsea N McGuire
- Ashley Megan Middleton
- Katelin E Moore
- Sarah Michelle Moore
- Bailey Marie Mrsich
- Jessie Diana Nordhaus
- Kristen M Ochiltree
Megan E Odum- Savannah Lynn Oliver
- Diana V Ollis
- Kelli Andrea Oxmann
- Kimberly L Richardson
- Carole Mae Masangcay Sanchez
- Brandi Sanders
- Brooke Renee Schilling
- Cassandra Nicole Schmaltz
- Kimberly Gale Schmersahl
- Sonia Nicole Schuler
- Samantha Seidel
- Nancy Louise Sewell
- Paige Olivia Simon
- Kory Lyn Smith
- Steven A Smith
- Brandy M Stambaugh
- Sydney Hope Stogner
- Danielle Kristin Swyear
- Tianna Terry
- Payton Beth Tilson
Katerina Nicole Timpson- Mackenzie Lane Touchette
- Erica Lynn Verheggen
- Julianna Marie Waeltz
- Mackenzie Grace Yochum
- Jana Kathleen Zurliene
Office Administration
Esmeralda Cortez- Ashley Joyce Forbus
Sandra Marie Kraus Vandy Luongrath- Robert Eugene Radliff
Office Technology Specialist
Elayna Ellen Hasemeyer
Paralegal Studies
- Lauren Kaye Bardill
Grace Kathrynn Baty- Ellen E Bergman
- Beau Oliver Bramblett
- Hannah Nicole Brown
Cindy Sue Diliberto Lydia Arin Donnigan- Cassidy R Dowling
- Jessica Duncombe
April Nicole Felton- Courtney E Ham
Bria Harris- Lisa Renee Levy
- Mary Catherine Long
- Alexis O Matzenbacher
- Taylor Elizabeth Randolph
Stephanie A Rawlins- Makayla Breann Schell
- Shakita V Watson
Amanda Ann Wolf- Kayla R Zenon
- Kaitlyn Nichole Davis
Kathryn Owen Gallagher- Randi Deanne Gonzalez
- Dominique Briana Howell
- William P Mann
George F May- Alexander K McClinton
Malarie Allena Thompson
Physical Therapist Assistant
- Dylan Jacob Ankle
- Nathan Robert Dahm
Emily Ann Ford- Shelby Faith Garvey
- Lisa Ann Gasawski
- Maeve Ann Kincaid
Lauryn Lynn Kovar Sabrina L McGee- Ternee C Mosby
- Khyati Priyank Patel
- Cathy Lee Pfeil
Nathan Charles Powers Erin Pulcher Kelcey A Rankin- Emily Grace Schaller
- Stephen Connor Schobernd
Emily Sophia Slifka- Dakota Ray Swanson
- Zachary Richard Whetstone
Precision Machining Technology
- Collin Matthew Albert
Corey Bornes Steven James Boss- Joseph R Bruggeman
- Darren M Chamness
- Philip Micheal Culiberk
- Tammra Sue Daugherty
- Troy M Glendening
- Jodi L Griffin
Marc Douglas Jennings Alexander D Midkiff- Sean Ryan Miller
Christian Michael Poddig- Darius R Ramsey
- Troy A Roever
Jacob Donald Schnefke Dominik Aaron Sorocko- John Kenneth Stratman
- Seth Marlin Trask
- Joshua Leonard Vandever
Adam Weiler Gavin K Whiteside
Radiologic Technology
Allysa Joy Austill Melanie Austin Michaela Ann Bauza- Seth L Becker
Heather Marie Burgess- Hannah Nichole Campbell
- Corinne Clark
- Dakotah J Clark
Ashley L Davey Kyla Rachelle Engelstad- Chloe Elizabeth Gordon
Kylie Marie Hendricks Devyn Brooke Joellenbeck Harrel Ray Jones Mark Michael Kaminski Kathryn Rae Kampmeyer- Megan Elizabeth Lalich
Morgan Markel Marissa Maxwell Meghan Lucille Metcalfe Samantha Paige Midkiff Lauren Nicole Parker Nathan Joel Rivera Shelby Kristine Roberts Rocio Romo- Amerah M Salama
- Sarah E Schnefke
Kourtney Nicole Singleton Brooke Leighann Vojas- Jessica Suzanne Watters
Danielle Marie Zobrist
Respiratory Care
- Elisha Renea Bechtold
- Caitlin M Condray
Amber M Cottingham- Ashley Nicole Elmore
- Ashley Michelle Gula
- Ashley Marie Haynes
- Madison Haley Jakob
- Raven Sky Matusak
- Alia Noor
- Hannah Marie Rexford
- Jetuan Danielle Swift
- Myranda Michelle Thompson
- Jasmin Turner-McCoy
Lacey Elizabeth Westerman- Allison Paige Wilkinson
Sign Language Studies: Interpreter
- Natalie Nicole Bell
- Dawn J Crowthers
- Brittany Anne Habros
- Zoe Jackson
- Lydia Jeanne Kline
- Hong D Luongrath
- Jessica Lee Massey
Krysta Ann Meyer- Daniel O’Brennan
Anastasia Dee Ottinger Sarah Katherine Pauly- Kamrynn E Perry
Emily Shannon Rayburn Morgan K Ruden- Gavin Serrano
Amy Rebecca Shengelia Carolee Swain Elisabeth Lynn Symonds- Nicole Marie Warnecke
- Johnna Lynne Wulf
Welding Technology
- Lucas Aaron Adams
Gage Scott Pickle Rachael M Schneider
Welding Technology
- Trevon Demon Armstrong
Kyle M Becker Logan Kade Frisse- Alexander James Gonzalez
Daniel Robert Hasler Brandon Knight Danielle Elizabeth Lochmann- Zachary Tyler Pennington
- Douglas James Reno
- Samuel Mark Sargeant
Molly Elizabeth Twenhoefel Joseph Dale Walls Noah T Younker
Graduate Check-in Marshals
Jessica Hale • Annjanee Jones • Chris Melvin • Sara Myers
Graduate Ushers
Wyatt Bridger • Kamil Frierson • Sydney Lombardi
Amy Markus • DeAnna Mueller • Keimia Parham • Christine Roy
Jane Sparks • Angie Stewart-Brown
Graduate Marshals
Associate in Arts/ Associate in Fine Arts
Tray Hayes (Lead Marshal) • Mark Andres • Tiffani Rushing
Associate in Science /Associate in General Studies
Myki Rhodes (Lead Marshal) • Kieasha Ford • Melissa Gehrs
Associate in Applied Science
Latrice Brimmage (Lead Marshal) • Jordan Cruise • Kelsey Fritsche
Guest Ushers
Mike Conley • Hilary Kunz • Chelsea Mikuleza
Brittany Pfeiffer-Ainsworth • Sarah Pollard • Candace Wright
Gonfalon Carriers
Emilie Blomenkamp – AA
Madison Tromp – AS
Stephan Mruzik – AAS
Gonfalon Carriers
PTK Student – Ashley Brooks
Graduates wearing gold stoles and tassels are members of Phi Theta Kappa.
Graduates wearing medallions are members of the Running Start program.
Graduates wearing royal blue stoles are members of Blue Storm athletic teams.
The Southwestern Illinois College Foundation exists to maintain and enhance the quality of life by developing friends and funds for support of the educational, cultural and service goals of Southwestern Illinois College.
The Foundation promotes excellence by securing gifts for special educational and
cultural activities that are not part of the college budget.
Foundation Board
Board Chair Mary Buettner; Board Vice Chair Sue Hoffmann
Finance Chair Matthew Gomric; Finance Vice Chair Samuel Hanger
Barbara Cempura; Jeanne Dalman; Stan Hatfield
Bob Novack; Christopher C. Schroeder
Ex-Officio Members
Chair Nick Raftopoulos – Chair, College Board of Trustees
Nick Mance – College President
Bernie Ysursa – College Chief Administrative Service Officer
Margot Middleton Holt – Foundation Treasurer
Rena Thoele – Foundation Executive Director
Southwestern Illinois College upholds the dignity and worth of all people and believes that learning is a life-long process which enhances the quality of life. The college provides for individual growth through educational excellence and active partnerships with students and the community.
As a people, as a learning community, and as an institution we will reflect and practice those values integral to higher education and to the well being of our region:
- Student Success
- Respect for People
- Value of Education
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Fairness
- Lifelong Learning
- Affordability
- Accountability
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