Geospatial & Aeronautical Information - Southwestern Illinois College


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Navigate the World

This program is designed to train individuals to become grounded in GIS and AIS technology to make informed use of existing GIS and AIS applications, and to gain skills necessary to construct new applications utilizing data capture, analysis, modeling and cartographic representation.

GIS and AIS data are becoming an integral component in business, healthcare, state and local government, insurance, law enforcement, and many other industries.


First Year

Total Semester Credits: 15
Fall Semester
This semester you will learn to map and model geographic data, map design, use remote sensing, create spatial database models, and the history of or aeronautical information.
Course Number Course Description Credits
GIS 100 Intro to Mapping and GIS 3
GIS 101

GIS & Cartography

GIS 102

Remote Sensing

GIS 103

GIS Data Analysis & Data Management

AVG 101

Evolution of the AIS

Total Semester Credits: 15
Spring Semester
This semester you will learn scripting techniques and web mapping, how to locate and describe features, current navigational systems, how to plan and implement a GIS, and basic statistics.
Course Number Course Description Credits
GIS 110

Intro to GIS Programming

GIS 120 Spatial Analysis 3
AVG 102

Intro & App of Aero Nav Syst

GIS 230

Planning and Implementing GIS

MATH 107

General Education Statistics

Total Semester Credits: 7
Summer Semester
This semester you will learn basic theory of flight, aircraft design, and aircraft control, and how to write and research a convincing paper.
Course Number Course Description Credits
AVIA 101

Private Pilot Flight Theory

ENG 101 Rhetoric & Composition I 3

Second Year

Total Semester Credits: 16
Fall Semester
This semester you will learn how to use GPS to create spatial data, use measuring instruments for flight, the basics of sociology, manage safety risks, and process raster imagery.
Course Number Course Description Credits
GIS 210 GPS and Imagery 3
AVIA 201 Instrument Flight Theory 3
SOC 153

Introductory Sociology

AVG 105

Intro to Aviation Sfty Mgmt Sys

GIS 240

GIS Design with Raster Analysis

Total Semester Credits: 12
Spring Semester
This semester you will learn to write instructive technical documents, how to pass the Federal Aviation Administration Unmanned Aircraft Systems knowledge exam, the National Aeronautical Navigation Services Aeronautical Chart users guide, apply your skills in a GIS/AIS internship, and basic first-aid.
Course Number Course Description Credits
GIS 220

Technical Writing

AVIA 126

UAS Pilot Certificate

AVG 210

Aero Chart Legend Interp

AVG 280

AIS Internship

HES 152

First Aid-Medical Self Help


Prerequisites may be required for some courses.

Refer to the Online Course Catalog or Class Search link RM for a full course description.

Get Started

What would you like to learn more about?

SWIC Aeronautical Information Systems

Aeronautical Information Specialist

Geospatial Information Systems

Aviation Management