Literature Curriculum - Southwestern Illinois College


Are you planning to earn an Associate in Arts degree and then transfer to a four-year college or university to major in Literature? We strongly encourage you to consult with a SWIC Advisor prior to enrolling each semester. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the four-year institution where you plan to transfer.

Fulfill the General Education and other institutional requirements for the Associate in Arts degree listed in the printed or Online College Catalog. General Education course preferences may vary by transfer institution.

As you fulfill your degree requirements, it is strongly recommended that you take the following classes:

  • LIT 213 American Literature
  • LIT 251 British Literature I
  • LIT 252 British Literature II
  • Two years of a Foreign Language

Most four-year colleges and universities will accept the following class as literature major credit:

  • LIT 214 American Literature II

The optional courses listed below may be applicable toward a baccalaureate literature major. Please keep in mind that most transfer institutions limit the number of semester credits taken within a student’s major field of study at the community college level. To ensure the acceptance of such courses toward your intended major, check with the four-year institution where you are transferring or a SWIC Academic Advisor regarding their applicability.

  • LIT 117 Literature by Women
  • LIT 201 World Literature I
  • LIT 205 Literature of Non-Western Culture
  • LIT 215 Contemporary Multicultural American Literature

Fulfill all other Associate in Arts degree requirements listed in the printed or Online College Catalog.

Apply for graduation by the date published in the College Calendar.

Earn at least 64 transferable credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to graduate from SWIC. Many transfer institutions require a higher GPA for admission to the institution and/or specific majors.

Note: Enrollment in many transfer classes is based on your score on the assessment placement test and/or your fulfillment of course requisites.