TSA 2022 Archives - Southwestern Illinois College

Insecurities – Jenna Braddock

Talent Statement:

“I wanted to show that some people have chronic conditions that the bare eye can’t see. I have been doing art ever since I could remember. While being at SWIC I am looking forward to figuring out what I want to do with my life. I am also looking forward to taking different types of classes to see what I enjoy doing.”

Submission Information

Title: Insecurities

Talent Name: Jenna Braddock

Category: ART


Lake of Peace – Eric Miller

Talent Statement:

“The idea for my art just came to me one day. I have always liked to draw, even when I was a kid. The thing I like most about SWIC is that you can take classes online. I’m looking forward to getting my certificate.

Submission Information

Title: Lake of Peace

Talent Name: Eric Miller

Category: ART

Dragon Run Cycle – Shannon Monroe

Talent Statement:

“This was a run cycle I did of my friend’s dragon OC. I created this by drawing each frame in Krita. The final animation is 9 frames played at 12 fps (frames per second).”

Submission Information

Title: Dragon Run Cycle

Talent Name: Shannon Monroe

Category: ART

The Alien Slayers – Deondra Johnson

Talent Statement:

“I have had these characters in my head for years and I had never gotten around to a fully paged graphic novel or animation. For me this is part of a small vision I had for a while for these characters and their world. I hope you like it!”

Submission Information

Title: The Alien Slayers short flip book animation

Talent Name: Deondra Johnson

Category: ART